
Cheatsheet to vim

replace all empty lines

:g/^$/d regards to here :<range>s/<pattern>/<replace>

  • <range> Range can be a linenumber 12 a range of linenumber 12,14 a range of marks 'a,'b or the whole document %

  • <pattern> The pattern to search for

  • <replace> what to replace the pattern with Example comment lines 15 to 25 :15,25s/^/#

insert file at current position

:r <path/to/file> insert lines 9 19 from file myfile :r! sed -n 9,19p /path/to/myfile


Usefule Link Ranges $ goes to end of Line.

switch case

upper case press gU<motion> to change the letter under the cursor to lower case press gu<motion> to change the letter under the cursor to


usefule link ranges $ goes to end of line. 0 goes to the beginning of line (^ seems to do the same)





I use vundle for managing plugins, here

 git clone ~/.vim/bundle/Vundle.vim

nerdtree allows you to have a folder pane to navigate files/folders. ? to see help menu r to refresh view, for example after deleting some file I to see hidden files and folders

ycm offers autocomplete

A plugin to change the brackets or other characters around text. Useful for html for example

A plugin for html autocompletion Open or create a New File:

vim index.html Type ("_" is the cursor position):

html:5_ Then type , (Ctrly,), and you should see:



Put new themes into ~/.vim/colors and then pick them with :colo <theme> elflord theme looks nice Latitude 5520 Laptop in Windows Terminal

Last updated