Directory that contains Profiles
Possible output for Terminal, ISE and VS Code
Find all profiles or currently used Profile with:
Shutdown the Computer
use shutdown or stop-computer
Restart the Computer
Restarts the Computer with Other(plenned) reason
SSH Sessions with Posh
This starts a new SSH Session through Powershell to a linux computer
ssh keys
Windows/powershell does not interpret ~
use $HOME
instead and backward slashes For some reason private ssh keys need to have an empty new Line at the end of the file
If permissions on the ssh key file are not right:
Installing the Linux Support thing for Windows
Install Ubuntu WSL https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/wsl/install-win10 It can be started by typing bash
in Powershell Run this, and only this as Administrator/root
Run the following as regular User so you don't need to be Administrator to use wsl this installs Ubuntu 18-04. Look here for current supported distros and manual download Links wsl
If WSL is already installed or to install any distro run
to reinstall a distribution run:
File Actions
Find, seek and destroy
Finding Files and Displaying only the Filenpath and name one per Line
Search in Files
Search for a string within a Folder and its subfolders
Delete a folder that is not empty
Recurse through a directory structure and search each files for pattern
then store each match in a hash-table/dictionary with the Filename as key and a number per match.
String Actions
Base64 en- and decoding
Path actions
print PATH one entry per line
Create a range object and search through a filetree for a string that contains elements of that range
Compare aka diff two files
It has to explicitly taken the content of the files. If just two filenames are given, those are compared without regard of their actual content.
Compare Errors from to Error Log files
The following creates a table named "TableName" and add the 3 columns Date,Error1 and Error2 to it. Then it populates the table with the findings of the Files.
Getting chocolatey up and running with Powershell V5
And Install it
Active Directory
On a Windows 2016 Server the RSAT Tools need to be installed, you can find it with the Powershell Commands below.
Query for Computers with names like appsrv and display only the found names one per line
Get all Computer start contain xyz but do not start with abc
Get all Groups a User is Member of and store them in a variable
I had some problems using the Get-ADGRoupMember cmdlet with an ObjectGUID for the -Idetity Parameter. Working around that I could use the Get-ADGroup cmdlet in the following way.
Get everything about a User
Getting a list of all locked out accounts
Get Alls Users in a company
When the RSAT-AD-Powershell
module is not available adsisearcher
can help.
Getting all Users currently logged in to a machine/server
To add a user to an Active Directory Group user as in the Microsoft Docs
Copy Files Remotely
Copy Files from a Remote Machine
Copy Files from a to/from a remote Server by instatiating a new PSSession and then use the -ToSession/-FromSession
Flag use the -Recurse Flag to copy more than one File. I did not try to copy it directly from the remote machine to the other remote machine. I assume this wouldn't work due to the second hop Problem.
Get all commands from Module
This command gets the Module containing the and then gets all the commands in that Module
Firewall Rules with Powershell
The name parameter has to be unique to the Firewall Rule, the DisplayName can be the same across several Firewall Rules, and therefore used to group Rules together.
Connection Security Rules
Connection Security Rules can be found at Control Panel > System and Security > Windows Defender Firewall > Advanced Settings > Connection Security Rules
The IpSecRuleName must be unique
Ports can be
A Single Port e.g. 80
A range of Ports e.g. "80-443"
A list of Ports e.g. 80,443,8080
Find in all Files starting with TMP the regex Pattern and print only the found Matches. Searching for content within the matching Files.
Windows Event Log
All Sources
To get a list of all available Sources, run the following. You can substitue Application with System,Setup,Forwarded Events or Security also you need Administrator Rights to access Security Logs.
The [void] prevents $SourceNames
from containing the index numbers of its content.
Using PSReadline for better (bash-like) history. Docs
Last updated