Installing Virtualbox
virtualbox or the summary:
AWS Kubernetes EKS
The first command creates a new context entry in ~/.kube/config
the second command displays the available contexts, then the third command changes the contexts to the one provided context-name from the output of the second command. The fourth command displays the now active context.
Alternatively a less manual approach. (Ust the -r
flag in jq
to get the string without quotes) Make sure to use the aws profile/IAM User that created the cluster or assign the create-cluster privileges to your user.
Kubernetes Objects
Deployments create Pods from Images. Create Deployments from deployment yaml files, like
To allow images being pulled from AWS ECR in minikube docs
The creds have to be referenced in the yaml like this:
Next services
Services are used to expose Deployments internally or publicly
Nodeports are used to expose a Service on a Node outside to local Kubernetes cluster. This can be used for Development on Minikube.
Cluster IP Services are used for Deployments that need to talk to other Services inside Kubernetes but not the outside world
Loadbalancer Services are only available on supported Cloud Service Provicers. A Loadbalancer Service creates an object in the Cloud e.g. an AWS Loadbalancer to expose a Kubernetes Deployment publicly through AWS Route53.
Last updated