This article is a guide how to setup a raspberryPi and use it to learn some Linux on the way. We are not going to use the Desktop GUI after the initial setup but instead rely on terminal ssh connections to play around. Software installation comes therefor after setting up ssh.
Installing Raspbian
Raspbian is the Debian based Linux distribution for raspberryPis.
This section teaches the concepts about services and how to connect to your raspberryPi through ssh. First we ensure that the ssh Deamon and ssh client are installed. This is done like this:
(e.g. systemctl status sshd
or to check on more than just one service systemctl status ssh sshd
services vs. systemctl
is the newer way to check for serivces, it also allows to check on several services with just one comman.
service status sshd
prints the same output.
service status sshd
prints the same output.SSH
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