Finding out which Linux Version running
cat /etc/issues
For some reason when using chsh -s /bin/bash
I had to restart my computer to take it affect. What nicely worked was sudo usermod -s /usr/bin/zsh
This command substitutes all colons in the PATH to newlines making the echo outpur easier to read
Replace all http to https in a file
for in-place change
Append to a line
sed -i '\|^#AuthorizedKeysFile| s|$| /etc/ssh/authorized_keys/\%u|' sshd_config
-i means do it in the file on the fly (Do it live)
| means use | as a delimiter for sed, as we have / in the string we want to append
^#Auth# look for for the Line that starts with #AuthorizedKeysFile followed by a delimiter
s for replace (substitue)
$ for matching the end of the line
/etc/ssh the string we want to append
/%u an escaped %, as %u is a variable for user interpreted by ssh
sshd_config the file we want to change
Updating Value in a Yaml File
This updates the Value of key with whatever is stored in the Variable $B64
find something recusively in the files of a folder grep <path> -rne <pattern>
-n shows line number -e defines the pattern to look for -r sets recursively See here
Find files in a folder with excluding a path
Find all files ending in .md and find the lines that contain django in those files.
for loop
Find all Files in current directory where the filesize is bigger the 50Kb and copy them into another directory
Create 10 folders with the number and _stringname as the folder name and do something with all results from find.
Remove string
from the beginning of all files in the current directory using rename
use rename for my kindle exports
Getting disk usage with excluding one or more pathes
I use this to install certbot from letsencrypt on Debian 9.3(stretch) with nginx
Making it update every 2nd month and log into /var/log/certbot/certbot.log
turning off screen
Turning off the screen on Linux Mint 18.2 Sonya 4.13.0-41-generic #46~16.04.1-Ubuntu
CommandLine Tools
Installing colorls
Install bat
Bat is more eye-friendly cat alternative, on Github. Replace the release number down there with the latest from the Release Page Release.
On fzf
On autojump. Autojump needs to be sourced.
Pseudo stresstest forkbomb
Only blows your system without putting real stress on a server, but might get you banned or blocked.
Install, verify zsh
location and change it to default shell
Documentation is here Install Oh-my-zsh
first because it comes with its own .zshrc
Syntax highlighting
More here
Spaceship prompt
To make things look nice, more info here
ZSH Completions
more info here
ZSH autosuggestions
See Documentation here
Install buildtools, buildessentials, ruby and then a too complicated bash expression that should work independent of ruby version (famous last words).
Auto Sugges
Creating a new session tmux new -s session-name
Leaving/detaching from a session press<prefix> :
and type detach
Listing existing sessions tmux ls
Entering/attaching to an existing session tmux attach -s session-name/session-number
This downloads Veracrypt from Version 1.23 the latest as of October 2019, unpacks it and installs it. Careful there is some user input neccessary.
Last updated