Creating a Programs Folder
I created a new Folder called NewProgs in C:\ with the same permissions (ACLs) as Progam Files where I store all my installed programs to keep track of them more easy and being able to find them easy when being logged in as a different user.
I recommend putting the last line in a startup script for powershell instead of permanently appending it to the path, this makes it easier keeping track of changes. After installing Powershell core I wanted to link its profile with my own profile, so I did this:
The File MyFunctions.ps1 contains all the settings I want to have across my different powershells and therefore everything is available where I want to have it without duplication.
Moving Windows on Windows 10
A lot of times I work on several screens, and when detaching my Laptop from them not all Windows move properly over to the main display. You can move it over with the following for steps:
Enable Virtualization
In Powershell 5 on HP Laptops
In an elevated Powershell 7
Enable RDP
WindowsOptionalFeature and WindowsCapabilities
From ChatGPT
WindowsCapability deals with the installation and removal of specific Windows apps and features, often associated with Microsoft's built-in software.
WindowsOptionalFeature deals with enabling or disabling optional system features and functionalities that may be hardware or software-related, but not part of the core Windows OS.
WindowsCapability CmdLets:
A List of all Windows Capability Commands
Find and Enable Windows Capability, (e.g. Display Projection app)
WindowsOptionalFeature Cmdlets:
A list of all Windows Optional Feature Commands
Windows Terminal application
Last updated