Download Mode
Press Volume Down + Home + PowerOn
to get into download mode and install LineageOS or any applicable Operating System.
Recovery Mode
Press Volume Up + Home + PowerOn
to get into TWRP after it got installed. If I do it correctly I see this red message in the upper left corner of the screen RECOVERY IS NOT SEANDROID ENFORCING together with the Samsung Galaxy 10 Screen
Sideloading Lineage
Installing lineageOS after building adb sideload
List devices adb devices
Installing TWRP
Using fastboot to install twrp fastboot flash recovery twrp.apk
Fix Setup Wizard
The Last step I did that fixed the issue was moving the LineageSetupWizard to the sdcard. Maybe there was a conflict with the GoogleSetupWizard. Boot into Recovery Mode, mount the system volume and mov the Directory
After this the Language select screen looked different. I think both Setup Wizards were running and conflicting with each other. Removing LineageSetupWizard seemed to resolve that conflict.
Additional Steps
I also tried to add all the permissions from the perms File. I then looped over that file and applied all permissions through adb.
After I did this the Setup Wizard still crashed but several steps later in the provisiong process. Also moving the Google Setup Wizard to sdcard insetad of the Lineage one started the Tablet but the Home Buttone and the List App Button didn't work.
when connecting through adb during the Setup Wizard it sometimes had root permissions and sometimes not. After this resolution I think happened when the different Setup Wizards were running with different permissions that then got inherited by the adbd deamon.
Settings for adb connection and more or less enabling usb debug mode.
Here I had to install SuperSu not addonsu package, this confused me a little
This proved to actually be the solution by choosing the right setup Wizard. Which I did wrong in earlier tries. Error looping, “Unfortunately, Setup Wizard has stopped.” I could not found the xml described but it pointed me the right direction. Bypassing Lineage Setup Wizard This helped understanding the adb and adbd Deamon a little better. Is there a way for me to run Adb shell as root without typing in 'su'? This helped with understanding the adb config files better Obtaining root by modifying default.prop?
Last updated